In the Ionian we help support the Ionian Dolphin Project. Seeing dolphins in the area is such a treat but unfortunately not as common as we would like, and they are under increasing threat.
The Ionian Dolphin Project aims to ensure the long-term viability of dolphins species living in coastal waters of the eastern Ionian Sea. Research by Tethys Research Institute is providing support to dolphin conservation efforts, through actions including:
1. Continued monitoring of dolphin groups through field research methods including boat surveys and individual photo-identification, to detect population trends and identify critical habitat.
2. Research on factors threatening the local ecosystems, particularly excessive fishing.
3. Public awareness, education and capacity building initiatives (e.g. involvement of a large number of students and volunteers, dolphin events organised locally, public presentations, lectures at local schools, production of multimedia)
4. Contacts and meetings with the local Authorities and fishermen organisations, aimed to raise awareness on the need of establishing measures to protect dolphins and implement existing regulations (e.g. to prevent illegal fishing)